9+ Marathi Leave Application Letter Templates, Tips & Word Format

Marathi Leave Application Letter – A leave application letter is a formal written request to take a temporary break from school, college, or work. The letter typically includes details about the reason for the leave, the duration, and any other relevant information.

This leave letter serves as a respectful notification, explaining the nature of the issue and the need for recuperation. Crafting such a letter demonstrates professionalism, responsibility, and a commitment to maintaining open communication in professional or academic settings.

In this article we have provided the Marathi Leave Application Letter (रजा अर्ज पत्र), tips, sample formats with examples for school, college and office. The letter is typically addressed to the relevant authority, such as an employer, supervisor, teacher, or school principal, and is an integral part of maintaining transparency and accountability.

Leave Application for Office to Manger in Marathi
Leave Application for Office to Manger in Marathi

Marathi Leave Application Letter – Overview

Here’s an overview of a leave application letter presented in table format:

HeaderDate of writing the letter.
Recipient’s DetailsName, Position, Contact Information of the Recipient.
SubjectClear and concise subject indicating it’s a leave application.
SalutationFormal greeting addressing the recipient (e.g., Dear [Recipient’s Name],).
IntroductionBriefly explaining the reason for the letter and the intent to request leave.
Details of LeaveStart and End Dates of the requested leave.
Reason for LeaveConcise explanation of the reason for leave (personal, medical, family reasons, etc.).
Supporting DocumentsMention if any supporting documents are attached (e.g., medical certificate).
Plans during LeaveIf applicable, mention plans for work/school during the absence (e.g., handover plans).
Appreciation and ClosingExpress gratitude for understanding and support.
Sender’s DetailsFull Name, Designation/Class, Contact Information.
SignatureIf sending a hard copy, include your signature.

Also See – 12+ Leave Letter for Eye Pain – Email Format & Templates

Tips for Writing an Effective Leave Application Letter

  • Clarity is Key: Clearly state the purpose and details of your leave to avoid any confusion.
  • Be Concise: Keep the letter brief and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details.
  • Use Professional Language: Maintain a formal and respectful tone throughout the letter.
  • Submit in Advance: Whenever possible, submit the leave application in advance to allow ample time for consideration.

कार्यालयासाठी 1 दिवस सुट्टीचा अर्ज – 1 day Leave Application for Office

ABC प्रायव्हेट लिमिटेड,

विषय: ऑफिसमधून एक दिवस सुट्टीसाठी अर्ज
प्रिय सर/मॅडम
मी तुम्हाला सूचित करण्यासाठी लिहित आहे की मला १० मार्च २०२२ रोजी एक अतिशय महत्त्वाचे काम करायचे आहे. त्यामुळे तुम्हाला विनंती आहे की मला एक दिवसाची अनुपस्थिती रजा द्या.

आपला आभारी
सचिन पाटील
अकाउंटंट, ABC प्रायव्हेट लिमिटेड, मुंबई.
मोबाईल: 781629577

शाळेसाठी सोडण्याचे पत्र – Leave Letter for School

दिनांक – 15 डिसेंबर 2023

मा. मुख्याध्यापक,
श्री. राजेश कुमार,
देवगाव (रंगारी)

विषय – 02 दिवस रजा / सुट्टी मिळणे बाबत.
अर्जदार – राजू , ह. क्र. 15, इयत्ता 8वी

मी राजू रामराव जाधव आपल्या शाळेत इयत्ता 8 वीत शिकत आहे. माझे हजेरी क्रमांक 15 आहे. मला उद्या दिनांक 21.10.2023 रोजी आई सोबत काही महत्त्वाच्या कामासाठी बाहेर गावी जायचे आहे. त्यामुळे मी दोन दिवस शाळेत उपस्थित राहू शकणार नाही.
तरी मला दि. 21.10.2023 ते दि.22.10.2023 असे दोन दिवस रजा / सुट्टी मिळावी, ही नम्र विनंती.

आपला आज्ञाधारक विद्यार्थी

Leave Letter for School Due to Fever

Sneha Patel
Class 9B
St. Mary’s High School
123 Main Street
Mumbai – 400001
January 25, 2024

Mrs. Nisha Sharma
Science – Class 9B
St. Mary’s High School

Subject: Leave Application due to Fever

Dear Mrs. Sharma,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I am unwell and suffering from fever. Due to my health condition, I am unable to attend school on January 25, 2024.

I have visited a doctor who has advised me to take rest for a few days. Therefore, I kindly request your permission to grant me leave for 3 days starting from January 25, 2024.

I understand the importance of my studies and assure you that I will catch up on missed lessons as soon as I am back. I will also coordinate with my classmates to obtain any notes or assignments that I may miss during my absence.

I appreciate your understanding and prompt approval for this leave request. If there are any formalities or assignments I need to complete, please let me know.

Thank you for your consideration.


Sneha Patel
Class 9B
Roll Number: 12

Also See – Teacher Leave Letter to Principal – 10+ Format & Examples

Leave Application for Office to Manger in Marathi

प्रिय राजेश कुमार,

मी वैयक्तिक कारणास्तव 21-01- 2024 to 22- 01-2024 अनुपस्थितीच्या रजेची विनंती करण्यासाठी लिहित आहे. माझ्या अनुपस्थितीत, मी XYA तंत्रज्ञान येथे माझी कर्तव्ये पार पाडू शकणार नाही

मी माझ्या पर्यवेक्षकाशी या विषयावर चर्चा केली आहे, आणि माझ्या अनुपस्थितीत माझ्या कामाचा भार कमी होईल याची खात्री करण्यासाठी आम्ही व्यवस्था केली आहे. मी हे देखील सुनिश्चित करेन की माझी प्रलंबित कामे माझ्या प्रस्थानापूर्वी पूर्ण झाली आहेत.

मला समजते की माझ्या अनुपस्थितीमुळे काही गैरसोय होऊ शकते आणि यामुळे होणाऱ्या कोणत्याही गैरसोयीबद्दल मी दिलगीर आहोत. मी तुम्हाला खात्री देतो की मी पूर्णपणे ताजेतवाने होऊन कामावर परत येईन आणि माझी कर्तव्ये पुन्हा सुरू करण्यास तयार आहे.

माझ्या विनंतीचा विचार केल्याबद्दल धन्यवाद. तुम्हाला आणखी काही माहिती हवी असल्यास कृपया मला कळवा.


Priya Sharma

Sick Leave Application in Marathi for Office


प्रिय अरविंद,

अर्जदार :- अर्जदार म्हणून तुमचे नाव टाका.

विषय:- कोणत्या कारणासाठी अर्ज करत आहात त्याचा विषय टाका.

मी [प्रारंभ तारखेपासून] [अंतिम तारखेपर्यंत] अनुपस्थितीच्या रजेची विनंती करण्यासाठी लिहित आहे. माझ्या रजेचे कारण [वैयक्तिक/कुटुंब/वैद्यकीय/कारण] आहे, ज्यासाठी मी निर्दिष्ट कालावधीसाठी कार्यालयापासून दूर असणे आवश्यक आहे.

माझ्या अनुपस्थितीत कार्यसंघाच्या कार्यप्रवाहावर कोणताही परिणाम होणार नाही याची खात्री करून मी माझी सर्व प्रलंबित कामे पूर्ण केली आहेत आणि माझ्या जबाबदाऱ्या माझ्या सहकाऱ्यांना सोपवल्या आहेत.

कृपया आवश्यकतेनुसार संबंधित वैद्यकीय/कुटुंब/वैयक्तिक कागदपत्रे शोधा. तुम्हाला आणखी काही माहिती हवी असल्यास किंवा काही प्रश्न असल्यास, कृपया मला कळवा.

तुमच्या समजुती आणि समर्थनाबद्दल धन्यवाद.


Sick Leave Application for Office

Rajesh Gupta
Employee ID: 56789
Department: Finance
ABC Corporation
456 Main Road
New Delhi – 110001
January 20, 2024

Mr. Sunil Sharma
Finance Manager
Finance Department
ABC Corporation
456 Main Road
New Delhi – 110001

Subject: Sick Leave Application

Dear Mr. Sharma,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you that I am unwell and unable to attend work today, January 20, 2024, due to fever.

The details of my sick leave application are as follows:

  • Leave Date: January 20, 2024

I have consulted with a doctor, and I am under medication. I anticipate being able to resume work on January 22, 2024.

I understand the importance of my responsibilities and will ensure a smooth transition upon my return. If there are any urgent tasks that require immediate attention during my absence, please feel free to inform me, and I will do my best to provide guidance.

I appreciate your understanding and kindly request your approval for this sick leave. If there are any formalities or documentation required, please let me know, and I will provide the necessary information promptly.

Thank you for your consideration.


Rajesh Gupta
Employee ID: 56789

College Leave Application for Vacation to Class Teacher

Amit Patel
Class 12A
St. Xavier’s College
M.G. Road, Mumbai – 400001
January 10, 2024

Mrs. Priya Sharma
English – Class 12A
St. Xavier’s College

Subject: Leave Application for Vacation

Dear Mrs. Sharma,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to request your permission for a leave of absence from college as I am planning a family vacation. The details of my leave are as follows:

  • Leave Start Date: January 20, 2024
  • Leave End Date: January 30, 2024

I understand the importance of the ongoing classes and assure you that I will make every effort to catch up on missed lessons promptly upon my return. I have discussed this with my classmates, and I will also be responsible for obtaining any notes or assignments I may miss during this period.

I believe that such experiences contribute to personal growth and a broader perspective. I am committed to managing my studies responsibly.

I kindly request your approval for this leave and appreciate your understanding. If there are any formalities or assignments I need to complete before leaving, please let me know.

Thank you for your consideration.


Amit Patel
Class 12A
Roll Number: 15

Leave Letter for Child’s School Event – To HR

Rajesh Kumar
Employee ID: 12345
Marketing Department
ABC Corporation
123 Main Street
Mumbai – 400001
January 15, 2024

Ms. Sneha Sharma
HR Manager
ABC Corporation
123 Main Street
Mumbai – 400001

Subject: Leave Application for Child’s School Event

Dear Ms. Sharma,

I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from work on January 25, 2024, to attend an important event at my child’s school.

The details of my leave application are as follows:

  • Leave Date: January 25, 2024

I understand the importance of my responsibilities at work and assure you that I will complete any pending tasks before my absence. I am willing to make arrangements to ensure that my responsibilities are covered during my leave.

I believe that supporting my child’s educational activities is crucial, and this event holds significant importance for my child and me. I am committed to ensuring that my absence does not negatively impact the workflow, and I will coordinate with my colleagues to handle any urgent matters.

I appreciate your understanding and approval for this leave request. If there are any additional formalities or documentation required, please let me know, and I will promptly provide the necessary information.

Thank you for your consideration.


Rajesh Kumar
Employee ID: 12345

Also See – Leave Letter for Fever in Sanskrit | 6+ Templates

What is a Leave Application Letter?

A leave application letter is a formal written request to seek permission for a temporary absence from work, school, or any other commitment. It typically includes details such as the reason for leave, the duration, and any supporting documents.

Why is a Leave Application Letter Important?

A leave application letter is important as it serves as formal documentation of the intention to take leave. It helps in maintaining transparency, allows the concerned authority to plan for the absence, and provides a record for both the employee/student and the employer/school/College.

What Information Should be Included in a Leave Application Letter?

The letter should include your name, date, recipient’s details, subject, a clear reason for leave, the duration of leave, any supporting documents if required, and plans for work/school during the absence.

How Far in Advance Should I Submit a Leave Application?

It is advisable to submit a leave application well in advance, preferably as soon as you are aware of the need for leave. This allows the employer or school to plan for your absence and make necessary arrangements.

Is it Necessary to Mention Plans for Work/School/College in the Letter?

It is a good practice to mention plans for work/school during your absence. It shows responsibility and a commitment to minimizing the impact of your absence.

Writing a leave application letter is an integral part of professional communication. When approached with clarity, honesty, and professionalism, it becomes a tool for maintaining transparent and respectful relationships within a professional or academic setting. By adhering to the key components and tips outlined above, individuals can navigate the process of requesting leave with confidence and professionalism.

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